Supreme Court Books Forum

Authors talked about their books on the Supreme Court. Speakers included Anthony Franze, author of The Advocate’s Daughter: A Thriller; Irin Carmon, co-author of Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader GinsburgJay Wexler, author of Tuttle in the Balance; Kermit Roosevelt, author of Allegiance: A Novel; David Lat, author of Supreme Ambitions; and Tony Mauro. View the video here

Supreme Court Forum on C-SPAN

Why Do So Many Washington Lawyers Write Fiction?

Finances don’t always keep lawyers in their office chairs. Anthony Franze, author of the Supreme Court thriller The Last Justice, works in the appellate and Supreme Court practice at Arnold & Porter. He writes late at night and on weekends, with a large box fan blocking out the noise of his family. Nonetheless, he says he loves what he’s doing in law and wouldn’t quit. What’s more, he notes, writing about murder in the Supreme Court demands a deep knowledge of that world.

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Wheels Within Wheels: Anthony Franze Interviews Joseph Finder

JOSEPH FINDER likes to say that his plan after college was to become a spy. Instead, he’s one of the country’s preeminent thriller writers, celebrating 25 years since his breakout novel, The Moscow Club. That quarter of a century not only found Finder a stalwart on best-seller lists, but also saw an evolution in his work. From his early Russian espionage novels, to the inventive series featuring “private spy” Nick Heller, to his recent stand-alone novels with strong familial themes, the Yale– and Harvard–educated author has managed to keep his stories smart and fresh.

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What Literary Line Would Be On Your Headstone?

My son Jake, a high school senior who soon leaves for college to pursue his love of journalism and English literature, is the most well read person I know. Having misspent my own youth, I’ve taken to reading whatever’s on Jake’s bedside table—to try in these last days while he’s under my roof to better connect with him, to see where his heart and mind are at this exciting time in his life. So, that recently led me to The Great Gatsby.

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10 Lawyer-Authors Pick Choose the Top 10 Law Novels in the Past 10 Years

To Kill a Mockingbird, Anatomy of a Murder, Presumed Innocent, The Firm. Most legal fiction top 10 lists include one or more of these recognizable titles. But what about more recent fare? After all, it’s been more than 55 years since Harper Lee introduced us to Atticus, and more than 25 years since the name “Grisham” became synonymous with the legal thriller. To compile a more recent collection, I enlisted the help of some fellow lawyer-authors—10 of the best in the business—to identify their favorite law novels published in the past 10 years.

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